Friday, 29 August 2014

Official Announcement: Hycura, Biological Wastewater Treatment Website Launch

It is with great pleasure that we are announcing the official launch of the Hycura website. Based on 60 years of research and studies we have been able to create a powerful all natural way to clean any organic wastewater. Our purpose and mission is to assist people everywhere to access clean water and properly treat and manage wastewater.

Water is the most important resource in the world and too many people are dying each day because of contaminated water. Every 21 seconds a child dies because of water related disease. There are droughts and water shortages throughout the first world countries where the proper use of treated wastewater can improve water consumption and minimize these major issues. Over 80% of the world’s wastewater remains untreated.

As a people we need to use the technology at hand and work together to solve the world’s biggest problem of polluted water. Hycura has set its sights on improving this situation and is working hard on the implementation of current technology while also completing new research and development to treat emerging contaminates that are starting to plague even developed countries.

Today along with the launch of our new website we are launching our Sp – Septic Tank Treatment which is specially targeted for use in any residential or commercial septic tank or cesspool. This enhanced product has a higher microbe and enzyme count and increased buffer content to neutralize the environment allowing the microbes entering the system to get to work quicker.

The proprietary formula is also focused on protein and fats which are generally higher in wastewater found in septic tanks. With the use of Sp - Septic Tank Treatment you will be able to digest built up sludge, remove clogs, free up slow or blocked pipes and reduce strong odors all the while cleaning the residual wastewater to environmentally safe standards, removing all pathogenic bacteria.

If you own a septic system then you have probably experienced or felt …

1.  Frustrated at a Clogged Septic Tank, Drain Field, or Cesspool
2.  Overwhelmed with expensive pumping of built-up sludge
3.  Lost about how to properly manage a septic system
4.  Upset at slow or blocked pipes
5.  Fed up with strong disgusting odors
6.  Worried about contamination the ground water
7.  Concerned that you will have to install a new septic tank

You don’t need to anymore, visit to find out more about how you can have a stress free septic system.

Sp – Septic Tank Treatment is available online at and will soon be available at,,,,, and many more. 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Septic Tank Cleaning – What to do, and What not to do!

Cleaning and maintaining the septic tank system is an important part of preserving the overall plumbing system. It is vital since cleaning the tank will keep the system from clogging and also increase the life of the piping in the house. Because the septic system and piping within the house are very expensive, it is important to use the right procedures for cleaning the septic system otherwise it will fail and you will have to bear the hefty cost of repairing it.

What to do

Below are a number of tips on how to best clean and maintain a septic system:

Septic Tank Treatment – “Septic Safe Additives”

‘Septic Safe Additives’ like Hycura Sp – Septic Tank Treatment are an inexpensive way to stay on top of your septic tank maintenance. Since the most common issues with septic tanks are due to sludge build up or excessive use of water, having a free flowing system free of clogs, blockages and all organic solids will prolong the life of any septic system. Not only will it clean and restore septic systems to original operating capacity but will also decrease the strong odor normally associated with sewage systems. Lastly using an additive like Sp – Septic Tank Treatment will further remove harmful pathogens that can be harmful in the waterways and spread disease.

Plumbing Inspection

A very wise approach is to hire a plumber to do a thorough examination of the plumbing system. He will examine all mechanisms and parts of the plumbing system to recognize and repair any problems. Problems can include cracked pipes, worn, leaking or damaged mechanisms and even problems with the plumbing fittings such as the hot water tank, faucets, toilets, showerheads, and drains.

Drain Field Maintenance

It is vital that you keep your drain field strong and flood resistant. Eradicate any tree roots that are located on or beside the drain field. Turn away any water drainage systems from the drain field such as floor drains, roof drains and other water drainage channels that could generate excess water in the drain field.

Pumping the Septic Tank

Waste sludge can collect in the septic tank and ultimately disrupt the waste cleaning process, over time. It can lead the raw sewage to back up in the sewer line and even run into the home, which can be very messy and costly to repair. Traditionally and as a last resort you can hire a plumbing service to propel and pump out the septic tank for hundreds of dollars, and can take a considerable amount of time. This can be avoided with proper use of Hycura Sp – Septic Tank Treatment.

What not to do

  1. Never clean a septic tank without proper inspection.
  2. Never clean a septic tank when the area around it is flooded or the water level is high as it will destroy the tank and will render it useless.
  3. To prevent injury, the access lid(s) should only be removed by a licensed liquid leftover transporter. A septic tank contains gases that are lethal. Never climb into or enter a septic tank. 
  4. If someone does fall into a septic container, make sure not to go in the tank to try to save them - call emergency rescue

Follow these basic rules and you will be safe to work and clean the septic tank and will be safe from any injuries.

To learn more about Septic Safe Additives, or for assistance treating, cleaning, and repairing any one of these septic systems, or with questions about the system on any existing property, simply contact Hycura today. 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Clean Water for Brazil

I bet you are of the same thought as me. It's the 21st centery and most people should have clean water right? Think again. There was a recent study done in Brazil stating that more than half the people there are without clean water! 

Crazy hey ;( Well it gets worse. Over 400,000 are hospitalized every year due to untreated water. 

Check out the article below. 

There is a simple way to clean all organic water check it out at 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Types of Septic Tank Systems - Which one is right for you?

Hycura is renowned for their high-grade, effective, and user-friendly septic system cleaning agents. The legendary performances of their many products have helped make Hycura one of the most sought-after companies in the industry, for commercial and residential septic system maintenance alike. Here, the famously environmentally-conscious company helps explain the difference between several types of septic systems. This is information that every home and commercial property owner should know!

For the majority of buildings in the US and Canada, there are three main types of “onsite” systems:

Standard Gravity Systems
Depending on the natural flow of the terrain surrounding a building, one may be able to install a standard gravity system. As the name implies, this septic system relies on the natural pull of gravity to perform the majority of its work. The flow of waste and waste water into this particular model pushes out clear effluent (liquid waste or sewage, discharged into a river or the sea) at its outlet. Placing a filter on the tank’s outlet protects the system’s drain field from various particles that may clog and/or damage it as a result of the flow. 
This system is commonly found, and highly important to maintain.

Standard Pumping Systems
When the system’s drain field is not downhill from the septic tank, a pumping device is put into use. This pump is operated by a control panel that may activate it (a) based on need, (b) when the tank’s effluent reaches a particular level, and (c) on a timed schedule. A notable advantage of this model? It “delivers wastewater to the drain field in small, uniform doses throughout the day,” which contributes favorably to the future growth of treatment organisms

Advanced Treatment Systems
Certain sites, lots, or buildings may not be eligible for the “standard” systems described above. A building may be deemed unsuitable for a variety of reasons; often, a site is generally not equipped with a conventionally-sized drain field, though poor soils on the lot and “environmentally-sensitive areas” surrounding the building can all be equally responsible. When this is the case, a specialized treatment system is needed. Alternately known as “advanced” or “secondary” systems, a specialized model and its treatment organisms require a sizable amount of oxygen to perform their work. In older, municipal, and less energy-efficient systems, this influx of oxygen is supplied by “blowers” and other machinery continuously “aerate[ing] the liquid effluent.” Fortunately, a more efficient and much more stable option was developed, wherein the effluent is lightly “trickled over a bed of porous material” known as a media filter.

The main issue with all septic tank systems is the need to digest and liquefy the accumulated bio solids or sludge. Each system without proper treatment will need to be ‘pumped’ at a high cost for the manual removal or will experience partial or complete septic failure.

For assistance treating, cleaning, and repairing any one of these septic systems, or with questions about the system on any existing property, simply contact Hycura today.